Can I be honest with you for a second? I’ve started other blogs. A couple didn’t even get a first post, while others got several before sputtering out. Don’t feel like I’m cheating on you, because I swear this is the only blog I’m working on right now. I’m a one blog kind of guy.
But there’s a certain kind of pressure to produce posts on a blog. Not just in a “God, I hope someone, someday, reads this and finds it interesting enough to check back every now and then,” but in a “God, don’t let this blog attempt be as large of a waste of time as my other attempts.”
So we had a great weekend. We bought a Christmas tree, decorated our house and put plastic over most of our windows to see if they are 1. effective and 2. cat magnets. So far so good on both counts. We made great homemade meals, watched just the right amount of TV and laughed with our whole bodies.
So where the hell is the post in that? Nothing really bothered me. Nothing angsty. Nothing even really exciting. Just a Norman Rockwellesque weekend.
Maybe this is the key to blogging. Not trying to force anything. Not trying to be too insightful or inspired. Just inviting you along for the ride.

Funny Advent Story: We had to go to a creepy “Christian Life” store to find an advent wreath for our little home. These places creep the hell out of me. Lots of plastic shit with Jesus quotes on them and bad/entrancing music playing in the background about how Jesus loves everyone. Has anyone eve 0r played that shit backwards to find the hidden messages?
Anyways, we can’t find it, and we’re getting ready to leave when I see “The Tehran Initiative” by Joel Rosenberg. About Iran getting an atomic bomb and the West (White people and Israel) are on the verge of war with ALL MUSLIMS EVERYWHERE.
So I’m gaping at this strangely racist book, which was #2 on the Christian Life store’s top 10 list, when I see the advent wreaths above them. We grabbed one, got out of there and have been trying to ignore the subliminal messages etched in our minds ever since. God is an awesome God, isn’t he?
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